Woman I’m born a Woman

And Man you were born Man

And we can be anyone that we’re wanting to be

‘Cause we’re all a part of this great Mystery.

People were all People

And the World she is our Home

And we can do anything that we’re wanting to do

With Love in our hearts and our minds living life to the full.

Love we all have Love

Embedded deep in every cell.

And this love that we breathe is divided between us all

With Nature to help us to realise all that’s real

Peace we all have peace

In the Wishing-Well of our Hearts

And we can give anything that we’re wanting to give

Believing in all of our Truths in order to live

So I’ll look for the joy in the small things I find

I’ll look for Love in a gesture that is kind

I’ll look for Peace in the Eyes of All Kind

Know Woman Know Man we are One

Know Woman Know Man we are One 

Know Woman Know Man we are One.