Because …

Heti feels, that expressing creativity through her music is worth reaching for the moon for.

Every time she aims, she aims to succeed.

She discovered early on in life, despite all odds, that it is better to try and fail, than to never try at all.

When Heti compose songs, she is often surprised by what arises, “ it’s incredible and exciting to write lyrics and share them.” she says.

Heti and Adie share love, life and playing music together. Have a listen, on Listen, to a song Heti wrote about the moment her mother died called “Even after you’re Gone.” Heti says “ It was a privilege to be by her mother’s side at such a momentous time and to witness such a graceful departure. As powerfully sad as it was and wanting her mum to stay with her, she was blown away by Mary Hope finding a last breathe to say ‘ bye bye. ’

Adie weaves his magic on violin. They are still working on this song dedicated to all mums with love.

From a background of privilege with dysfunctional living, Heti has grown a wealth of resources that can not equate with any amount of money,…. she feels pretty rich.

Listening to an interview Joan Baez with Jesse Mulligan on RNZ 15/7/24 Heti recognises a touched nerve, when Joan Baez says, “ I can be intimate with two thousand people but not with one.” Such a talented inspirational woman.

Music is where to discover a way into solving small and big questions with an artistry that can be handled with pure pleasure once the Ego is sleeping.



Heti and Adie love to build connections in the natural world around us all, as well as online. They both love meeting people and seeing new places, playing both tiny and big venues.